Moda solid fabric, Bella Solids for $8.48 per yard. #MODA #MODABELLASOLIDS #modapalettebuilder Rocking Chair Quilts brings you the finest quality solid color cottons for your quilting and sewing needs . Priced by 1/2 yard
Look at all those lovely solid colors. Unless you know the color number of the solid you want to order online, it can be tricky to tell on a computer screen which shade is the best match for your project. Well....Moda to the rescue! You can upload a photo of the print you need to match with solids and VOILA! the Palette Builder generates a list of Bella Solids that will work with your selection. Nothing's as sure as the human eye and natural daylight to select proper coordinates, but this is pretty close. It's some good clean colorful fun too.
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