Welcome to Moda's Bella Solids CLASSIC QUILTS SERIES.
Every other month through 2022, we'll share the pattern for a new quilt. Today is the first of six Bella Classic Quilts, #1 Quintet.
Bella Classic 1 - Quintet
Finished Size: 75"x75"
Color 1 (9900 27)– 2¾ yds. or 2 Bella Solid Jr. Jelly Rolls
Color 2 (9900 200)– 4½ yds. – FOR BACKGROUND
Backing – 5 yds.
The pattern and fabric requirements are for a 75” x 75” quilt. The quilt could be easily sized up or down by changing the number of blocks made.
CLICK HERE to shop for precut solids in our online store.
CLICK HERE to shop for precut GRUNGE Jelly Rolls in our online store
CLICK HERE to shop for Bella Solid yardage in our online store.
Here’s a peek at the next quilt pattern, coming in April, titled Droplets ☺
If you'd like to make all six quilts using the same two colors, here is how much yardage you'll need for each quilt. For each quilt, Color 1 is the Color, and Color 2 is the Background. (E.g., Color 1 is Pink or Red, Color 2 is the White Background.)
Yardage Requirements:
No. 1 - 75" x 75": Color 1 - 2 ¾ yards / Color 2 - 4 ½ yards.
No. 2 - 72" x 72": Color 1 - 4 ½ yards / Color 2 - 3 ¾ yards.
No. 3 - 64" x 72": Color 1 - 3 ¾ yards / Color 2 - 3 ¼ yards.
No. 4 - 70" x 70: Color 1 - 4 yards / Color 2 - 3 ¼ yards.
No. 5 - 72" x 72": Color 1 - 3 ¼ yards / Color 2 - 4 yards.
No. 6 - 70" x 70": Color 1 - 2 ¾ yards / Color 2 - 4 ¾ yards.
Yardage for Backings:
No. 1 - 5 yards
No. 2 - 4 ¾ yards
No. 3 - 4 ¼ yards
No. 4 - 4 ¾ yards
No. 5 - 4 ¾ yards
No. 6 - 5 yards
If you're sewing along with us, be sure to share your progress with - #modabellaclassics and #modabellasolids.
So are you going to create a collection of six quilts made with the same two colors? Or are you going to mix it up with each quilt? Share your ideas in the comments below.
We'll be back in April with the Bella Classics 2.
If you make this quilt , we'd love to see your version, please share a photo with us:
WAYS TO SHARE a photo with us:
Post your photo on Instagram and tag us # rockingchairquilts
post your photo on our Facebook page- CLICK HERE to get to the Facebook page.
Tweet a photo @makeaquilt or tag us in your tweet @MakeAQuilt
send your photo in an email to us : info@RockingChairQuilts.com
Please use the comments area below for your comments or questions
Thank you for reading, until we blog again, take some time to Enjoy the Sew!® - Carol